Books have been written about bad medicine, bad pharma and also, bad surgery.
> bad surgery is surgery which is unneeded,
> bad surgery is one where there is clear overtreatment,F
> bad surgery is one where surgical principles fall well below accepted standards,
> bad surgery is one where there is no validating scientific evidence based medicine data.
Radical prostate surgery or robotic prostatectomy for prostate cancer is a clear example of BAD SURGERY in that there is a lack of clear supporting evidence based medicine data along with a very high incidence of complications and NO significant life-saving benefits.
The warnings about the ill conceived and misguided radical prostate surgery/robotic prostatectomy used to treat localized prostate cancer come from several sources;
* urological surgeons like A. Horan MD who detailed his findings about the many pitfalls regarding prostate cancer treatment in his book, “The Big Scare, the business of prostate cancer”. This review is supported by several hundred often damning, scientific articles.
* the embarrassing USPSTF report which warned the public and physicians about the lack of merit to wholesale PSA screening as well as the insignificant benefit and great harm associated with the surgical treatment of screen detected prostate cancer. This publication failed to prick the conscience of urologists and especially the conscience of so-called academic urologists.
* the class action LAWSUIT against makers of the robot used for the robotic prostatectomy because of the very significant incidence of complications associated with this robotic surgery.
These physicians, groups and others, are well aware of the shocking problems associated with the radical surgery/robotic prostatectomy treatment. In summary, after this surgery there is a,
* lack of significant numbers of lives saved,
* high incidence of loss of urinary control and many other negative quality of life issues,
* high incidence of sexual dysfunction and loss of manhood,
* residual cancer in 20-40% of men,
* great need for surgical procedures to correct complications from the surgery,
* significant incidence of overtreatment in that the majority of men having radical surgery for their localized Gleason 3+3 prostate cancer never needed any treatment at all except for active surveillance through periodic monitoring as the Gleason 3+3 cancer tends NOT to progress.
Education and knowledge about any disease state are king.
You can learn more about localized prostate cancer treatment from Dr Bert Vorstman’s latest article, “PSA’s and Prostate Cancer: Mayhem and Gore”.
or, you can go to his site or,
contact Dr Bert Vorstman at 877 783 4438 or at