The majority of prostate cancers are low or favorable-risk Gleason 3+3 cancers.
> 75% of all prostate cancers fall into this category,
> these prostate cancers are particularly slow growing, and are NOT a great risk.
> their average cell doubling time is in the order of 475 days or so,
> at this rate it takes 40 years for a cell to go from mutation to a tumor size of about 1cm where you can feel it in the prostate,
> because of this slow growth rate, the majority of Gleason 3+3 prostate cancers are overtreated or treated unnecessarily, particularly by robotic prostatectomy, expose men to great risk and harm, often lifelong and waste precious healthcare dollars.
Alternatively, men could have lived a normal life with the cancer while on active surveillance and
could have preserved their manhood.
In essence, some 75% of prostate cancers probably do NOT need treatment.