Getting pregnant can be devastating for men and their partners. Astonishingly, an underlying cause of infertility cannot be identified in about half of infertile men.
The National Institutes of Health for the Genetics of Male Infertility Initiative (GEMINI) have granted researchers a 2.1 million dollar five-year project aimed at discovering the genetic causes of infertility and to find better ways of addressing these causes in a clinical setting through personalized genomic medicine.
The GEMINI team has looked into studying men who suffer from azoospermia, a condition in which no sperm are produced. One of the primary investigators with Project Gemini is Kenneth Aston, PhD, assistant professor of surgery at the University of Utah School of Medicine. An international team of more than a dozen urologists, andrologists and geneticists from seven countries who see roughly 20,000 patients seeking infertility treatments each year will be working with Aston. Meanwhile, James Hotaling, M.D., U of U assistant professor of surgery, and Douglas Carrell, Ph.D., U of U professor of surgery, are co-investigators on the project. Along with the rest of the team, these investigators hope to change the way male infertility is treated.
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