Dr. Bert Vorstman is joining other organizations nationwide to promote prostate cancer awareness during September.
Dr Vorstman has developed his website, www.HIFUrx.com as a resource to empower a man and his spouse with knowledge on prostate cancer and treatment options.
Prostate cancer is a silent disease and although most common in men after age 65, some men in their 30′s may also have the disease.
Men with a family history of prostate cancer and men of African American heritage are also at risk.
Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of death in men after lung cancer.
The goal of prostate cancer awareness is to make men and their spouses knowledgeable about the benefits of prostate screening as well as the benefits of early non surgical treatment. Although screening with a DRE and PSA and %free PSA are not perfect,this process will detect a significant number of prostate cancers when they are still localized to the prostate.