Bert Vorstman MD, MS, FAAP, FRACS, FACS
For patients with localized high-risk bladder cancer, ta new blue light technology is available.
Using the new blue light technology, doctors are able to make cancer cells in the bladder light up and glow in a color different than the surrounding tissue. This process is similar to the way a blue light exposes blood or other bodily fluids at a crime scene. This technique can help doctors target treatment more effectively and successfully.
Once the blue light has highlighted the bladder cancer, the area is then treated.Furthermore, the light allows for the area to be checked after treatment to ensure that all of the cells have been destroyed, lessening the chance of recurrence.
For many patients, bladder cancer symptoms can, at times, mirror those of a urinary tract infection. For example,
> Visible blood in the urine
> Urgency to urinate
> Burning on urination
Patients experiencing these voiding symptoms should seek the help of a urologist to rule out bladder cancer.
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