Many men and their spouses actively seek out treatment options for localized prostate cancer as most are keenly aware of the complications as well as the negative impact on quality of life (QoL) issues associated with the traditional treatments for prostate cancer such as robotic prostatectomy and radiation.
Their common downsides and complications are well recorded and fortunately the internet affords patients and their families to empower themselves with prostate cancer knowledge and review the treatment options available for localized prostate cancer.
Most informed men will appreciate the amazing precision of the revolutionary HIFU technology. This technology,coupled with a vast experience in the treatment of localized prostate cancer with minimally invasive options usually generates superior outcomes.
Superior HIFU Technology
- computer precision
- superior ultrasonic imaging to identify and protect the sphincter involved in urinary control
- doppler ultrasound application to identify and protect nerves and vessels necessary for erection
- precise rectal wall monitoring
- radio-frequency tissue change monitoring system to ensure prostate cancer tissue is treated effectively
Benefits of Minimally Invasive HIFU
- kills cancerous prostate tissue with intent to cure
- low incidence of treatment complications
- outpatient general anesthetic
- no hospital stay
- no cutting
- no pain
- no blood loss
- no radiation
- truly minimally invasive
- quick recovery/walk out
While the goal of your prostate cancer treatment is to cure you from your localized prostate cancer and restore you to good health without compromising your quality of life (QoL), there are some side effects that maybe associated with the treatment of your cancer. Because of the precision of this state of the art technology with focus on protecting the anatomical structures involved in urinary control and erections,the downsides of urinary incontinence and impotence occur uncommonly. Shortening of the penis is associated with surgical removal of the prostate and not Hifu. Cancer recurrence may occur after any treatment option but if the prostate tumor volume as well as the site of tumor involvement in your prostate has been carefully evaluated and consideration made to asses the margins of your prostate before embarking upon a treatment for presumed localized prostate cancer,cancer recurrence should be uncommon.
Benefits of HIFU in treatment of recurrent prostate cancer
Prostate cancer may recur after a previous treatment making lifelong monitoring of each treated patient essential.
20-40% of all men who have undergone removal of their prostate will have positive margins or cancer cells left behind. These men, especially,demand close follow up with view to further treatments.
HIFU is an ideal treatment for prostate cancer recurrences after:
- robotic prostatectomy
- radiation
- proton beam
- brachytherapy
- cryoablation
- Hifu
- progression of disease during active surveillance (AS)
- unwanted side effects from prolonged androgen deprivation therapy (ADT)
Dr Bert Vorstman will validate your pathology findings with an independent reference laboratory for a second reading of your biopsy slides. In addition he will consider an additional biopsy of the prostate margins under sedation should there be concern for possible cancer infiltrating the margins of your prostate. This approach will ensure that your prostate cancer is indeed localized to the prostate and therefore suitable for a minimally invasive treatment option.
Dr Vorstman is your advocate and will share your journey in the evaluation and management of your prostate cancer with the goal of cure,avoiding complications and preserving your quality of life (QoL). He is committed to you lifelong.