Bert Vorstman MD, MS, FAAP, FRACS, FACS
The robotic prostatectomy is probably associated with more complications than any other surgical procedure. Furthermore, it is the only procedure where its many complications will also impact your spouse/partner and, commonly lifelong.
The following will let you understand why the robotic prostatectomy and its many complications is not for you.
> the dangers of the robotic prostatectomy are clearly evident from a Google search by the endless lawsuits filed against surgeons and the robot device manufacturer
> the scores of selfreported harms listed on the FDA’s own product safety system, MAUDE (Manufacturer and User Facility Device Experience) representing only about 8% of actual adverse events
> the warnings issued by the USPSTF (U.S. Preventive Services Task Force), a Government oversight agency and that the harms of PSAbased prostate cancer screening and treatment outweigh any benefits
> the many warnings from a number of physicians and organizations
> the robot makers themselves who clearly recognize the device dangers for radical prostatectomy as their disclaimers are getting longer with each revision
These many warnings aboutthe dangers of the robotic prostatectomy are even more egregious when you also realize that:
> the FDA urology panelists approved fraudulently, the robotic device as safe and effective for use in the radical prostatectomy on the basis of some lowlevel and irrelevant gallbladder studies only and, without a single case of prostate cancer being included in that trial
> the AUA labelled the radical prostatectomy as “standard” for treating the common Gleason 3+3=6 “cancer” which LACKS the very hallmarks of a cancer. In essence, many men are treated for a disease which needs no treatment, undergo surgery with a scientifically unproven device and, are often left limp and leaking
> 23% of ALL men diagnosed with prostate cancer will die from their disease but only if they have highgrade prostate cancer. The Gleason 3+3=6 is NOT a health risk
Read More about the many Robotic Prostatectomy Complications >