It has been evident for several years now that the common Gleason 3+3=6 prostate “cancer” is a fake cancer since it lacks a number of molecular biological mechanisms typically found in real cancer cells (Klotz and others). In fact, only the 15% or so of high-risk prostate cancers are potentially lethal, and only these require detection and treatment.
Not only does the Gleason 6 prostate “cancer” lack the hallmarks of a cancer but, the scam of PSA-based screening of healthy men leads mainly to the detection of the Gleason 6 pseudo-cancer and benign prostate disease. However, by twisting the truth and misrepresenting the Gleason 6 as a cancer, profit-seeking urologists easily steer terrorized men towards unnecessary radical and focal treatments. Furthermore, these abused patients represent simply another tragic statistic on the side of unneeded treatment and, have been falsely labelled as survivors.
The real value of Prostate Cancer Awareness then, is in empowering oneself and being very aware that the Gleason 6 is a bogus cancer and, that the pseudoscience behind early detection and treatment has brought about only, a public health nightmare. Sadly, the unconscionable fear-mongering and gaming of the Gleason 6 cancer label serves only the predatory practices of the prostate cancer industry.
Bert Vorstman MD, MS, FAAP, FRACS, FACS