Nationally regarded Florida Urological Associates prostate cancer expert slams robotic prostate cancer surgery as a monumental treatment scam.
Said Dr. Bert Vorstman, “The rot in the prostate cancer narrative began years ago with one of medicines all-time greatest lies; that you can cut out a prostate cancer and leave a man with “remarkably satisfactory functional results”.
Regretfully, prostate cancer surgery is just one of many so-called standard treatments in the U.S. These therapies often lack evidence-based scientific support and are backed only by the foggy processes of consensus medicine. In fact, this dangerously ill-conceived prostate surgery evolved from years of human experimentation, commonly leaves men “limp and leaking” and saves few if any lives.
The corrupt and illegitimate portrayal of robotic prostate cancer surgery as a standard-of-care treatment because of self-serving clinical studies, a rubber-stamped FDA “approval”, promotion by an early detection-to-surgical treatment hoax using the highly unreliable and risky PSA-based screening program, is a damning indictment against medical guidelines. Even the U.S.Preventive Services Task Force (U.S.P.S.T.F) has published its concerns regarding the treatment of screen-detected prostate cancers. A warning made even more worrisome by the fact that many prostate cancers lack the hallmarks of a cancer and, men with these types of prostate cancers will be survivors irrespective of surgery.
Shamefully, despite the availability of safer alternative treatments, this harmful surgery has defied reason for many years and led to enormous suffering and a public health disaster. Embarrassingly at odds with the Hippocratic principles of keeping patients from harm and injustice, putting patients at risk by prescribing the toxic robotic prostate cancer surgery is nothing more than licensed medical malpractice.
To review Dr. Bert Vorstman’s full report, please go to:
Bert Vorstman MD, MS, FAAP, FRACS, FACS
954 752 3166