The simplistic “cutting it out” concept is deceptively attractive and intuitively reasonable but horribly false. The dastardly underhanded promises of easy surgery and easy recovery from surgeons who wish it were true will leave most men suffering from miserable complications, limp, leaking and robbed of quality-of-life.
Most prostate “cancers” are the Gleason 3+3=6 and clinical and molecular biology studies have shown that this disease LACKS the hallmarks of cancer. Yet, most men with this Gleason 3+3=6 disease will undergo a toxic robotic prostatectomy as if they had real cancer. To boot, the robotic prostatectomy device was fraudulently approved by the FDA for use in prostate cancer on the basis of some irrelevant gallbladder studies. Only high-grade prostate cancer is potentially lethal, demands detection and demands treatment but not with the robotic prostatectomy.
The Gleason 6 Prostate Cancer Is Not a Health Risk –
Is a tumor with a Gleason 6 score a potential killer, or should it be left alone? The very common Gleason 3+3=6 prostate “cancer” is NOT a health-risk because on either the clinical and molecular biology grounds. The Gleason 3+3=6 disease LACKS the hallmarks of a cancer. Please visit the ASCO Post interview for further information regarding this subject.
Richard J. Ablin, PhD, DSc (hon), Department of Pathology, University of Arizona College of Medicine, Tucson has spent over fifty years investigating prostate cancer and succinctly summed it up: “One of the first people to tackle the issue of the Gleason 6 was internationally regarded pathologist Jonathan Oppenheimer, MD, who strongly proposes that we come up with a new term for the Gleason 6, which is a neoplasm, not cancer. By doing so, we take away the ‘C’ word, and men will be less likely to make a fear-driven decision”.
Since the Gleason 6 lacks the hallmarks of a cancer, it is a pseudocancer, not a health risk; it does not progress to become a health risk; it needs no detection; and needs no treatment. No man has died from this so-called cancer. It lacks a number of molecular biological mechanisms normally found in cancerous-behaving cells. Unlike a typical cancer cell, this cell has a very long doubling time at 475 ± 56 days, so from mutation to a growth of about 1 cm in diameter takes some 40 years, and this disease is a recognized part of the aging process.
Shamefully, the Gleason 3+3=6 “cancer” label has been retained to have you believe that it has the same potentially lethal risk as high-grade prostate cancers. Only the less-common high-grade prostate cancers demand detection and treatment as only the high-grade prostate cancers are a health-risk and potentially lethal. Only this category of prostate cancer is connected to prostate cancer death statistics.
Although prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men, most of these cancers are NOT a health-risk and only 3% of men diagnosed with cancer will die from their disease. The other 97% will die from another cause.