Prostate cancer awareness is an orchestrated medical scam that markets PSA-based screening as a potentially life-saving program. In reality, prostate cancer awareness is pure medical spin designed to exploit men’s fear of cancer and steer them toward harmful “treatments” that fail to save significant numbers of lives and, benefit only physicians.
PSA Awareness
Real PSA awareness is about being wise to the fact that the PSA (prostatic specific antigen) is a highly unreliable blood test when used to screen for prostate cancer in otherwise healthy men and, according to Ablin and Piana, “The Great Prostate Hoax”, urologists have always been aware of its flaws. The PSA is NOT cancer-specific; its limits of normal (0-4ng/ml) are artificial; it is unable to discriminate between normal prostate, inflamed prostate, a little cancer, a lot of cancer, the Gleason 6 pseudo-cancer or, the 15% or so of potentially lethal high-risk prostate cancers. In fact, the important high-risk prostate cancers may escape detection altogether as they often make little or no PSA. Shockingly, even the other components of this prostate cancer screening charade are highly unreliable. The prostate exam is no more reliable than a coin-toss; the ultrasound-guided 12-core needle biopsy of the prostate randomly samples only some 0.1-0.3% of the prostate (leaving more than 99% of your prostate unchecked and, why there is a move to MRIs for evaluating the whole prostate); the reading of your biopsy slides by pathologists is not foolproof; the so-called staging of your cancer with CAT scans and bone scans is often unneeded, highly unreliable due to their insensitivity and, radiology reports are also error-prone and not foolproof. Furthermore, even the newer “state-of-the-art” biomarkers are imperfect.
Gleason 6 “Cancer” Awareness
Education is power: real Gleason 6 awareness is about understanding that the Gleason 3+3=6 prostate “cancer” fails to behave as a true cancer because it lacks several molecular biology mechanisms typically found in real cancer cells (Klotz and others). Additionally, no man has died from pure Gleason 6 “cancer”; it takes some 40 years to grow to a size 1 cm in diameter and, the percentage of men with areas of Gleason 6 “cancer” approximates ones age from about 50 years onwards. Therefore, because the Gleason 6 LACKS the hallmarks of a cancer and is viewed as part of the aging process, it doesn’t need detection or treatment. However, not only are urologists at ease with retaining the bogus cancer label but, they are not above stoking even more doubt and concern with falsehoods about active surveillance, “cancer” upgrading and “cancer” progression just to con men into having unneeded but money-making “treatments”. It is high-time the Gleason 6 cancer tag is dropped.
Robotic Prostate Cancer Surgery Awareness
Robotic prostate cancer surgery awareness is about educating yourself regarding the highly misleading propaganda of robotic prostate cancer “treatment”. Claims about being “curative” and “safe” are simply barefaced lies. In reality, this toxic surgery saves few if any lives, has a very high rate of bodily and emotional complications and commonly, not only leaves cancer behind but, the handling of the prostate during surgery causes showers of cancer cells to enter the bloodstream and settle in the bone marrow for possible future metastases. Furthermore, this so-called treatment has never been proven to be safe or effective through any scientifically conducted, evidence-based studies and, the FDA “approved” label for this robotic so-called treatment is a fraud.
Prostate Cancer Statistics
The prostate cancer statistics; that prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men; that 1 in 7 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime and, that there will be about 161,360 new cases of prostate cancer in 2017, represent gross exaggerations since these numbers have been inflated by the inclusion of Gleason 6 pseudo-cancers. Similar concerns exist for the prostate cancer statistics relating to family history and ethnicity.
Prostate cancer deaths occur from only the 15% or so of HIGH-RISK prostate cancers that have significant amounts of pattern 4 or above disease and, for 2017, was responsible for the 26,730 deaths. Gleason 6 “cancer” was NOT responsible for any of these deaths. However, even this number of prostate cancer deaths is overstated because of the bias toward recording deaths within 30 days of the toxic robotic prostate cancer “treatment”, attributing these deaths to prostate cancer instead of the postoperative complications that were responsible. According to Dr. Anthony Horan, “The Big Scare”, death certificates are often inaccurate when recording the cause of a postoperative death.
Prostate Cancer Awareness Month
Prostate Cancer Awareness Month peddles PSA-based screening by employing the mantra: early detection to treatment saves lives. Shamefully, this screening process fails to reliably detect the 15% or so of killer prostate cancers as they often produce little or no PSA and instead leads to the detection of mostly non-killer cancers and, many risky, unneeded “treatments”. The overwhelming physical and psychological complications resulting from prostate cancer “care” deceptively labeled as standard practice is nothing less than legitimized medical malpractice. Underscoring the gravity of this medical hoax and public health disaster is the fact that PSA-based screening has failed to impact the prostate cancer death-rate significantly.
Bert Vorstman MD, MS, FAAP, FRACS, FACS