I screen men that present to my practice with a total prostatic specific antigen (tPSA) as well as a free and % free PSA,especially so if they are of African American heritage or have a family history of prostate cancer. If the tPSA or % free PSA are abnormal (in the absence of influencing factors […]
Dr. Bert Vorstman has nearly 30 years of experience in treating men with prostate cancer. He is a specialist in minimally invasive treatment options for localized prostate cancer. HIFU stands for high intensity focused ultrasound and is a non surgical,non radiation state of the art treatment option for localized prostate cancer and has many advantages […]
Do Prostate Needle Biopsies Spread Cancer Cells? No!
Prostate needle biopsies and needle tracking marks DO NOT spread cancer cells. Furthermore,the inflammation that brings about healing of the needle track DOES NOT cause cancer. There are purveyors of pseudo science even in the world of urology who repeatedly offer false science that is peppered with irrelevant references and non sequitur arguments to present […]
Vitamin D and Prostate Cancer
Adequate levels of vitamin D may reduce a man’s risk of developing prostate cancer as well as suppressing the growth and spread of a prostate cancer in men that already have the disease. Vitamin D is found in two main forms: vitamin D2,through diet vitamin D3,through sun exposure Vitamin D 2 and 3 are converted […]
Prostatic Specific Antigen (PSA)
The PSA is a protein produced by epithelial cells of the prostate and can be measured in the blood and used as a tumor marker. The total PSA (tPSA) is considered normal if less than 4ng/ml but it is not a reliable indicator of presence or absence of prostate cancer. An abnormal tPSA should always […]